Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Miles McHale, Tattletale by Christianne C. Jones Illustrated by Elina Ellis *Review*

WhAt!?! I write reviews on kids’ books as well?!
…why yes, yes I do, and this one is a goodin’

Let us start this review with a Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!...for writing this book! It needed to be written. More books like this would be a wonderful addition to the library. I love children’s books like this. “Miles McHale, Tattletale” is well-written, entertaining, and holds some quality lessons.

Miles McHale is a smart, funny, sweet little chick with one major character flaw: he likes to tattle. Like, ALL THE TIME! Seriously, it’s a shocker this kid has ANY friends.

Because, as we know this is not just an issue for any one student, in steps the teacher. She’s come up with a game. Everyone in class is broken into teams, and whichever group tattles the least within the week wins.

At this point I was a little iffy about the story. It’s a fine-line our kids must learn to walk. You don’t want your kids to be THAT kid: the one who tells on everyone for EVERYTHING. You also don’t want your child to feel uncomfortable telling you when something is seriously wrong. So here is where my true appreciation for this book comes in. The teacher has a little pledge:
If a friend is sick,
hurt, or in harm’s way,
Then telling someone
is OKAY.

Thank you for that. I think I’ll be putting that on my daughter’s wall in BIG. BOLD. LETTERS. Ha. Okay, maybe not, but it’s still a pretty good pledge, and a lesson worth stating.

This game ends up making it so that nobody wants to hangout with little Miles (honestly, if I were on another team, I’d probably hangout with him just to cause some subterfuge), and while some may disagree with showing this outcome, it’s realistic and understandable.

The end is happy yet, though it’s not the kind where everyone gets a blue ribbon. Yet another lesson in the making here, I think. We don’t always win, but that’s okay, because such is life.

So if you couldn’t tell, I thought this was a wonderful read. I think I’m going to have to buy it for my daughter’s kindergarten teacher, and possibly another copy for her first grade teacher next year. It’s a great story that’s written well, with some cute pictures as an added bonus.

Love it!

5 out of 5 stars!!

**This book was given to me through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

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